Attempt 5 – An Epstein

Taking your own life is scientifically proven to be the simplest method of ending your earthly sojourn. Spiritually sensitive people, however, advise against this method because “you should never deprive yourself of something as precious
as your life. As punishment, in case of suicide, “your soul will float aimlessly on Earth forever.”

You’re almost going to think this is a great way; commit suicide and then terrify your ex as a ghost for the rest of her life. Unfortunately, the price you pay for this is high; you can never have a cold beer with your friends again and make plans for the future.

Whoever kills himself receives eternal life in a dark place. There is no evidence of people who have been through all of this and speak from experience. It is always better to choose to live anyway, if you intend to make something ofit.

From a legal point of view, self-euthanasia is considered suicide. Suicide is not punishable and therefore self-euthanasia – a suicide with the knowledge and/or in the presence of relatives – is not. But assisted suicide is punishable under
Article 294 of the Criminal Code.

There are many ways to take your own life; with a gun, driving into a ravine, jumping off an apartment building, or eating something that is at least three years past its expiration date. But what do you have to do to get your ex this

Taking pills is an option for suicide; and preferably something that you can simply buy inconspicuously at the drugstore, such as paracetamol. With a major overdose of paracetamol, it will take another five days before you are dead.

It starts with nausea and pain in the lower abdomen. After two days the liver starts to function worse and after the fifth day you fall into a coma after which death follows.

There are a number of drawbacks to this method. How do
you get at least 50 paracetamol tablets in your ex, and how
do you prevent her from calling the doctor afterwards? Ty-
ing up the ex seems logical, but then the case of suicide is
difficult to explain. You don’t take 50 tablets first and then
tie yourself up.

Hanging is therefore an interesting option.






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